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Apple strudel

1 1/2 kg apples, peeled, cored
150 g granulated sugar
150 g breadcrumbs
80 g butter
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tbsp vanilla sugar
80 g raisins
2 tbsp rum
100 g butter, to brush

1. Quarter the apples, cut into slices approx. 3 mm thick.
2. Heat the butter in a pan, add breadcrumbs, roast until golden brown, chill.
3. Mix apples with crystal and vanilla sugar as well as cinnamon, rum and raisins.
4. Roll up the strudel dough, brush with liquid butter, pull out thinly on a floured cloth, cut off the edges.
5. Sprinkle strudel dough with breadcrumb mixture, group apples on top, roll tight, close ends.
6. Place on a buttered baking sheet, brush vigorously again with liquid butter, bake in the preheated oven at 220 ° C for about 40 minutes.
7. Sprinkle with icing sugar, serve warm or cold.

Source of recipe:
Sent in by Brigitte via Postcrossing
