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French Toast with Apples

3 apples
4 slides bread to make French toast
a little bit of coconut blossom sugar or maple syrup or honey
2 eggs
a little bit of butter
a little bit milk
seeds (flaxseeds, sunflowerseeds, ....)
almond flakes

1. Peal the apples and cut them in pieces.
2. Heat some butter in a pan and bake the apples for a few minutes.
3. Add the sugar to caramelise a little bit.
4. Scramble the eggs with a little bit of milk.
5. Put the apples on a plate (keep them warm).
6. Soak the bread in the eggs.
7. Heat some butter in the pan, bake the bread.
8. Put the bread on a plate,  add the apples and decorate with the seeds, almonds, cinnamon. Enjoy. You can add extra maple syrup,  cream, icecream...

Source of Recipe:
Sent in by Nicole (inspired by Jeroen Meus "Dagelijks kost" "Verloren croque met appeltjes")
