Apples (Malus) belong to the plant genus of the pomaceous fruits (Pyrinae) from the family of the rose plants (Rosaceae), which also includes pear, raspberry, plum, almond and cherry. There are more than 30,000 apple varieties worldwide, and 2,000 varieties in Germany alone. However, only about 25 varieties are cultivated in fruit-growing. Among the best known are Boskop, Pink Lady, Gala, Cox Orange, Golden Delicious, Elstar, Gloster, Jonagold and Granny Smith. More than 30 vitamins and trace elements, 100 to 180 milligrams of potassium and many valuable minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, magnesium or iron contains one apple. These active ingredients stimulate the metabolism and purify the blood. Most of the vitamins are directly under the shell of the apple. Therefore: eat apples unpeeled if possible! Apples emit ethylene gas which accelerates the ripening of other fruits and vegetables. Therefore they should always be stored separately.